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These sessions offer a bridge between the senses and science. They propose activities involving your five senses (hearing, touch, sight, smell, taste) to immerse you in the ecosystems before carrying out a protocol. 

The senses are the working tools of researchers in the field: hearing to recognise birds by song, smell, touch or sometimes even taste to distinguish between two plants that are visually close, etc. They are therefore essential for collecting qualitative observations. They are therefore essential for the collection of qualitative observations. Furthermore, we are convinced that the mobilisation of the senses nourishes and strengthens the link to life. 

With these immersive sessions, we prepare ourselves for the protocol that follows, while at the same time exercising our attention to nature.

On your own, all you have to do is follow the activity sequence and be guided step by step through your immersive session. If there is more than one person in the group, one person can act as the game master to facilitate the process. Indications in italics are addressed to him or her. 

These immersive sessions have been developed in resonance with the various programmes available on SPOT. You will therefore find programme recommendations associated with each of them.

Click to download all the immersive sessions