Become a relay
Do you want to relay programmes?
Why take part?
Would you like to enrich your animation tools by integrating participatory science programmes? Do you want to encourage your audiences to take action while advancing research or perhaps you are looking to offer different experiences to your groups, oriented towards observation and (re)connection to living things in the mountains?
Who is it for?
Mountain leaders, nature instructors, environmental educators, refuge wardens, protected area managers, high mountain guides, scientific mediators...
Relays are all persons or organisations that ensure the dissemination of one or more programmes locally in a territory. If you would like to organise outings or events around SPOT's programmes, contact us. We will soon be organising training sessions from 2024 onwards to help you bring these experiences to your groups. In the meantime, feel free to test the programmes yourself now to familiarise yourself with the protocols.
At your request and subject to validation by the CREA Mont-Blanc team, you can make your profile stand out by adding the information that you are a relay. This will allow the observer community to identify you and contact you for future outings. Directly propose your outings that might interest other participants in the Community page.
Preferred programmes for you:
Some programmes are localised (From Spawn to Frog, Salute the Trees, Phénoclim): the spots are shown on the map (page "Observations") and you just have to go there to make an observation. Before your outing, find one or more spots close to your route. We encourage you to relay these different programmes in a wide area, from the bottom of the valley to the top of the mountains. To engage your audiences and encourage them to participate along routes of your choice, contact us to create new spots.
Other programmes are "opportunistic", i.e. they do not have a specific spot associated with them: go exploring in search of certain species (Striking Colours, Vertical Flora, Beautiful encounter) as you go along.
The Wild Mont-Blanc programme can be relayed wherever you are, as it is a 100% digital programme.
How to prepare your animation around the programmes
The exchange space of each programme in the Community page offers the possibility for Relays to share resources with each other, in addition to those presented in the page of each programme.
Where do I start?
(1) Create your account,
(2) Identify the spots to be visited on the map or the programmes to be carried out,
(3) Locate yourself in the field with the SPOT tool on your smartphone and/or print out the field data sheets available on the page of each spot,
(4) Carry out the protocols,
(5) Enter the data in the field with your smartphone or later. Participate in the exchanges with the community on the forum.
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