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Can I participate around my home area?

Check the map on the "Contribute" page to see all the programmes you can participate in around where you live.

I am a complete novice, which programme should I start with?

Each programme is characterised by a level of difficulty but all are accessible without any prior knowledge or skills. Each step of the protocol is described and if you need help you can call on the community for help by posting a message on the forum. List of programmes

What will my observations be used for?

Teams of researchers associated with each programme compile the data, ensure its reliability and analyse it. These analyses then give rise to (i) indicators to evaluate the evolution of ecosystems season after season in a synthetic and quantified manner; (2) scientific publications to increase our knowledge of the evolution of mountain ecosystems. Feedback on these results is published on the presentation pages for each programme, the CREA Mont-Blanc blog, the Mont-Blanc Atlas, but also in the context of events or the creation of various media.

I want to participate, but how do I know if my observations will be correct?

Several means are put in place to ensure the quality of the data transmitted. Among them, for the Vertical Flora and Beautiful Encounter programmes, a co-validation module allows several people to confirm an observation made by a participant. In the case of Salute the Trees and Wild Mont-Blanc, it is multi-observation, i.e. repeated observation by different people of the same subject, which makes it possible to obtain a final consensus and thus to approach an exact data. In total, about ten mechanisms are used to control the quality of the data. So trust yourself and go for it!

I don't see a programme that suits me or I'm interested in other scientific/geographical areas. What should I do?

Visit the website of the Observatoire Participatif des Espèces et de la Nature, which lists all the participatory science and biodiversity programmes in France.

I don't have a smartphone, will this prevent me from participating?

The observations can be transmitted via a smartphone but also via a computer. For this second option, we provide printable data sheets, which allow you to record your observations in the field, before transferring them to SPOT from your computer. You will find the technical data sheets directly on the presentation pages of each programme.